The Department of Education of Puerto Rico has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation program over the past five years called "Mi Credencial al Exito." Translated to "My Passport to Success," the program aims to train teachers to deliver valuable certification programs to students.
Certiport has been very impressed by the success of the program - today it has been rolled out in 43 schools and almost 4,000 certifications have been earned by students and teachers. As a result, Certiport recently honored Secretary of Education Eligio Hernández Pérez with the Global Leader - Digital Literacy Award.
"This award honors the constant efforts made by the Puerto Rico Department of Education, overcoming considerable challenges due to natural disasters, to provide students with valuable job-ready skills to positively impact the fugure workforce of Puerto Rico," said Ray Murray, Vice President and General Manager – IT, Pearson VUE.
The program is scheduled to reach an additional 100 schools in coming months, and the DOE and Certiport have agreed to include parents for the first time, seeking broader community engagement and greater overall impact.