Welcome to the third post in our “Teaching through COVID-19” series. A quick recap for those just tuning in. In the coming weeks, Certiport will be publishing different installments in our series “Teaching through COVID-19”, with each article highlighting a different learning product. These posts are meant to answer your most frequently asked questions about learning products, and how you can use them in a distance learning capacity. Today’s post highlights Moore Solutions (MSi). The MSi curriculum is a turnkey solution for K12 and higher education designed to be engaging, hands-on and user-friendly, and is available for PCs, Macs, or Chromebooks. Learn how to launch and use MSi below.
- What makes this tool helpful for teachers?
- Each MSi course can be branded for your institution and teachers can be up and running quickly. The course is broken up into modules and all of the participants for each course are listed. There are also some great resources for teachers, embedded within MSi. You can find the following within your account:
- Pacing guide
- Curriculum crosswalk
- Scope and sequence
- Lesson planning guide
- Printable textbook pages
- Which courses are available through MSi?
- MSi offers courses that map to the following Certiport certifications: Microsoft Office Specialist, Adobe Certified Associate, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, and IC3 Digital Literacy.
- What features are available in this program to help my students continue learning at home?
- MSi courses are delivered through a Learning Management System that lives in the cloud, so teachers can assign work to students even if they don't have the course software on their home computers.
- The courses are user-friendly and keep track of where the student left off and what lesson they need to start next.
- The courses are completely web-based so they are very simple for students to use at home.
- Do my students need to download anything?
- No. MSi is web-based so all students need is a computer and an Internet connection. Any type of computer will work (Chromebook, Mac, etc.) and there is nothing to download.
- How are the courses laid out? Are they split into manageable topics?
- Courses are split into chapters and topics. Each chapter includes several topics. Each topic includes learning objectives, digital textbook material, a video, an activity and an assessment.
- First, students begin with the learning objectives for a particular topic.
- Next, the student will see the applicable portion of the digital textbook embedded into the course. A simple reading comprehension question follows all textbook entries.
- Next, a short video reinforces the reading to address every type of learner. The video is close-captioned and narrated and lasts about 90 seconds.
- After reading and watching a video, the student will perform tasks in a hands-on simulation activity. Even if the student doesn't have the software on their home computer, they can experience the software through the web-based simulation. The grade on the hands-on lab is entered into the gradebook.
- Each topic ends with an assessment.
- At the end of each chapter there is a project that incorporates all of the topics learned in the chapter.
- If I need to provide my students with printable materials to accompany their online course, what can I give them?
- The digital textbook that accompanies each MSi course is available to be printed. Teachers simply make a request to MSi, and they will send the digital textbooks for printing.
- Can I see what my students are doing? What they have completed, how they have done on their quizzes, etc.
- Absolutely. When a teacher logs into MSi, they will see a list of students for each course and their progress.
- A grade report shows each module, activity and project so the teacher can see how students are progressing. Teachers can export those grades and then enter them into the district gradebook. They can customize the grading scale and other benchmarks.
Looking for a more visual representation of the platform? Check out Certiport’s full Moore Solutions demonstration here.