SouthTech Schools’ core mission is to graduate students prepared for work, higher education, and productive citizenship. They offer 13 career and technical programs and students spend at least one out of four periods a day in a career-focused course.
“It’s not just college OR career ready, it’s college AND career ready,” said Steven Kozak, Director of Business and Community Partnerships for SouthTech Schools. “We serve a 91 percent free and reduced lunch student population and last year we had a 98 percent graduation rate. We pride ourselves on preparing our students to graduate and be successful.”
Of those graduates, an impressive 95 percent left with an industry certification, a skillset they can bring with them to college or to an employer if they choose. Industry certification has been part of SouthTech Schools since the beginning, and they currently offer more than 40, ranging from automotive to medical sciences to technology.
For more than ten years, those industry certifications have included Certiport’s Adobe Certified Associate, Microsoft Office Specialist, and Microsoft Technology programs.
Click here to read the full story of how SouthTech Schools has implemented these certifications into their CTE programs.