Steps to perform a complete Office install

In older MSI package installs of Office, it was necessary for congruity to have a full, custom version of Office installed to ensure that any program, feature, or tool present in a Live-in-the-App exam was also available in the locally installed software. The following only applies to volume-licensed editions of Office 2016.

  1. Go to the control panel and select 'Programs'.Control Panel screen shot pointing to Programs: Uninstall a program icon
  2. Select Office 2016 and choose "Modify". Note: Pictures illustrate an older version of Windows and Office 2010 but the modern process is similar.Uninstall screen shot pointing to Change tab and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 icon
  3. Select continue on the screen that appears. The default will be Add or remove features and is the correct option. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 dialog with Add or Remove Features selected
  4. If there are any grayed out boxes as shown below, it indicates you do not have a "Complete" install and must update. Proceed to step 5. Installation Options screen shot with Microsoft Office tree open
  5. Click on the drop down arrow at the top level labeled "Microsoft Office" and select "Run all from My Computer" then continue. Installation Options screen shot with Microsoft Office drop-down opened and Run all from My Computer selected
  6. The system will now update and may request a reboot to finish. Once rebooted your system will have a "Complete" Office installation.