With nearly 25 million exams delivered across the globe, the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification has become the preferred solution for measuring and validating Microsoft skills of students and employees all around the world. But you don’t need to take our word for it. Keep reading to see which countries and organizations around the world endorse Microsoft Office Specialist certification.
In Australia, the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) has recognized MOS as contributing studies for the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research has endorsed and recognised MOS, making it the first choice for secondary schools in Austria. These certifications will also feature as part of teacher education in the future.
Czech Republic
As part of an initiative to improve digital competence education in the Czech Republic, the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports has recognized MOS as an international digital competence certificate that qualifies as part of the school leaving exam.
The Ministry of Education in Egypt has endorsed Microsoft programs for teacher’s skills development since 2007. On an annual basis more than 10,000 teachers are trained and certified on MOS and other Microsoft certifications. This number has grown to reach 24,000 candidates per year since 2018.
As part of its efforts to support lifelong learning, the French Ministry of Education has recognized MOS on its national qualifications framework. The national commission on vocational qualifications (Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle) lists MOS as an approved program in their registry of qualifications.
MOS is a recognized IT certificate by the Greek State, through the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance of the Ministry of Education. MOS is a valid qualification for employability in the Greek Public Sector. Additionally, the Ministry of Education of Greece has endorsed the Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship.
MOS is recognized by the Irish National Qualifications Authority (Quality and Qualifications Ireland, QQI) and approved the certifications as corresponding to the following NFQ Level 5 Component Specifications of the National Framework of Qualifications: Spreadsheet Methods, Digital Presentations, Word Processing and Databases Methods.
In Italy, MOS is listed as a state-recognised exam that is required in tenders and in recruitment calls for teachers and state administrative staff as well as several other profiles. Candidates know that having a MOS certification very concretely improves their employability by providing them with more points than a candidate without certification. Furthermore, the Italian Ministry of Interior Department of Public Security uses MOS to upskill state police officers. To date, more than 10,000 members of the police force including superintendents, agents, and detectives have been certified.
Ivory Coast
The Agence Nationale du Service Universel des Telecommunications –TIC, an entity in the Ministry of the Digital Economy and the Post in the Ivory Coast, is on a mission to provide citizens, businesses and administrations with a universal telecommunications service. Launched in 2018, the One Student-One Laptop MOS certification project has contributed to the development of a digital economy. To date more than 8,000 students have benefitted from this project.
The National Council for Labor Competency Certifications and Standards (CONOCER) is the Mexican federal agency responsible for coordinating Mexico's National Competencies Framework. CONOCER has endorsed MOS and recognized it in the National Registry of Competency Standards (RENEC) making it one of the options required for students to graduate.
The Ministry of Education in Morocco has endorsed MOS certifications, aiming to train and certify more than 300,000 teachers, with more than half certified already.
New Zealand
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority, a body reporting to the Ministry of Education, has recognized the MOS program and granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 2 (up to 12 credit equivalents) and Level 3 ( up to 25 credit equivalents).
Saudi Arabia
In Saudi Arabia, the Human Resources Development Fund has approved MOS as part of the Professional Certificates Support Program of the HRDF, a government body under the Saudi Ministry of Labor and Social Development. This program aims to empower the national workforce to gain approved professional certificates in various career areas required by the Saudi labor market. HRDF reimburses nationals who passed the exam the entire cost of the training and the certification.
The State Public Employment Service (SEPE) in Spain has recognized and accredited MOS and included it in their portfolio of approved courses for IT. This endorsement corresponds with their mission to increase employment levels and ensure the human capital needs of companies in Spain are being met.
The Ministry of Education of Taiwan recognizes the international certification programs of Certiport. As result of recognition from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, the MOS program is required for university students to graduate.
The Agence Tunisienne de la Formation Professionelle, the governmental agency for vocational education and training in Tunisia, is using Microsoft Office Specialist to assess their students’ Microsoft Office mastery. Additionally, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Tunisia committed to train and certify more than 22,000 students per year on Microsoft technology, including MOS certifications.
In Vietnam, the Ho Chi Minh Department of Education recognizes Microsoft Word and PowerPoint as the IT standard for 10th graders; MOS Excel as the IT Standard for 11th graders; MOS PowerPoint as the IT Standard for general teachers at primary and lower secondary levels, professional secondary schools and professional colleges; MOS PowerPoint, Word, Excel are the IT Standards for IT Teachers at high school; and MOS is also recognized for 11th graders and MOS holders are exempt from the IT Vocational program.
Interested in learning more about the Microsoft Office Specialist program? Get all the details here.